Getting some frustration out of the way.

Fuck it

I must admit.
I am a Facelight Hater!

In my opinion, facelights are only meant to be worn while taking photos. They might look okay on your screen but the truth is they will make you look pale and leave a white deadly cask on your face.
They intent to make your clothing less vibrant and influence all colors in the area, creating an annoyance for the people around you.
While the amount and color might depend on the strength of the facelight, generally they will only look good using a certain type of windlight, and the people around you might not share the same windlight as you.
The older facelights might even give you what I call the Lighthouse effect! It will shine so bright that the entire room is filled with light!

Still wearing one? Don't be surprised that one day I might strangle you! *wink*

And of course there are cases when it's fun to use one, for example, the one I'm wearing in this photo. This facelight was a VIP Gift from Foxcity a while back and I still enjoy playing with it.

Hair :Stealthic - Intrepid
Dress: ~Nerido~Somali Dress (Maitreya only)
Skin: Deetalez Michelle
Head: Catwa Sofia
Facelight: Foxcity Face projectors (vip gift 3-19) - Projector Fuck it


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